On the approval by the House of Representatives of the proposed Magna Carta of Seafarers Bill on Second Reading

The House of Representatives is making a bold statement in approving the Magna Carta of Filipino Seafarers on second reading without amendments. It guarantees the earnestness of the current administration to address matters related to our seafarers and manifests the government’s acknowledgement of their value as professionals and key contributors to the world commerce and economy.

The MARINO Partylist urges our colleagues in the House to unanimously vote for this legislative measure to show its full support to the entire Filipino seafaring industry. It took over 20 years for this bill to fully progress, and the version that we are pushing for today is a forward-looking bill that will address present and future issues of the industry.

MARINO expects that this bill will be approved by the first quarter of 2023. This is a huge victory to our sector once passed and our partylist will never cease to focus on measures that will benefit the Filipino seafarers worldwide.#####